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How to make duplicate item Canaan/Pet forest using Maintenance Critical Time

This is the weekly maintenance time in
at 8.30 the system will broadcast message and say to player to logout to avoid any error.
then some player who keep playing and not logout their character get some error, from missing the experience they got and losing some item, but some player who trade in the critical time get their item duplicated

This cause of the system will not save any change in critical time, we never know what is the critical time to server before its totally shutdown, but the system will make rollback any change to time between critical time, and we can use this critical moment to make duplication of item and pets.

Theoriticaly :
- Trade item from first character to your second character on critical time,
then  logout your second character to let system save its item/pet
- keep your first character standing until the system totally shutdown
- after the system finish its maintenance, login both your character, and you should own same item on both character. (if.. only if you are trade in the right time)

have fun...

Tamer Saga - How to use Pet Sigil

"SIGIL" a unique feature on this game it give you freedom to add additional stat to a pet
with sigil, we can upgrade a standard pet to be a strong pet. also you can unequip a sigil and equip to another pet. its your freedom to choose.

You can create a sigil using PET SEAL.
Here how to create a sigil.
1. Click Sigil icon
2. When the sigil window open, you'll see 4 empty slot. you can open more slot by click the locked slot and pay the amount of crystal.
(click picture to enlarge)
3. Click Pet Sealing to open pet seal window
There are two method to choose, Pet sealing (transfer the pet into a sigil. and the pet will vanish/gone when sealed) or Magic Seal (without pet/use your gold - you only gain a low level sigil)
if you choose to seal a pet, then click pet sealing, select your pet then click seal
a transmuted sigil will appear on the sigil bag.

4. To equip a sigil, simply click back
choose your pet, drag sigils to an empty slot. you can click equip all to quickly equip some sigil to your pet without choosing sigil.
by default, the first sigil slot will open when your pet reach level 30, then the second slot will open automatically when it reach lvl 40 and so on, as describe on the picture

The Sigil level
The sigil has its own level, as you move your mouse above the sigil, its will show the sigil stat
in this example, Defender Lv.1 Exp:0/200 Increase Defenes 120
its need 200 exp to raise to lvl2, and how to raise the level?

to raise your sigil level, you can combine some low level sigil to a high level sigil.
1. Equip some different sigil to your pets, so it will not disappear when you combine the sigils

2. Left only same color and same stat sigil on your sigil bag, and combine to a higher level sigil.
if you mix some color and stat sigil it will waste your sigil, its gone for nothing.
Click color filter and click combine

3. The easiest way and non risk to your other sigils is using a experience contained sigil called "Present Wit"
you can have this sigil by using magic seal (cost 20.000 gold+fee 10.000) Note :its random, not always get this.
4. Drag Present Wit sigil to equiped sigil, and click confirm, in this example I'll drag to a lvl 1 sigil

5. Then the sigil  raise to level 2
Oke. thats it.. you can try to create your own sigil..
have fun..-

Canaan - Bagaimana membuat char level 30 dalam 30 Menit

Mungkin judul artikel ini terlalu fantastis.. tapi bisa dilakukan dengan beberapa trik berikut :

Anda harus memiliki Guild LV1 yang sudah memiliki bangunan money rising sehingga bisa melakukan aktivitas Quest Guild.

Pertama-tama  Siapkan karakter level 10.  lalu gerakan karakter ke Nark Likim

Setelah QG sudah aktif, Click NPC dan ambil Quest berikut
1. Meditasi Semenit
2. Rutinitas Bisnis
3. Karugarner Marathon
4. Keliling Dunia
Jangan lupa aktifkan speedhack dengan speed 4

Note : khusus Quest no 2 dan 3, setelah Quest diambil, karakter harus melapor pada pos pertama,
Jika setelah QG tertutup baru menyelesaikan Quest tsb, maka quest akan terhenti di pos 1 dan tidak bisa melapor ke pos selanjutnya.

Setelah ke  4 Quest terambil semua, langsung selesaikan quest. dari Quest no. 2 sampai 4 bisa dilakukan secara paralel sehingga menghemat waktu karena semua  Quest tersebut akan melapor pada NPC yang sama.

Mulailah melapor rutinitas bisnis sampai pos ke 3 (melapor ke NPC karnis di ladang catail) , lalu lanjutkan melapor quest no 3 (Karugarner Marathon) selama proses lapor nanti akan berbarengan melapor untuk Quest no.4 (keliling dunia)

Jika sudah terbiasa maka 1 round akan selesai dalam 15-20 menit, dan khusus Quest no. 2 dan 3 selama aktivitas QG masih aktif dan sudah selesai melapor, maka bisa diambil lagi quest tersebut dan diulang sebanyak mungkin.

round 1 lvl 10 naik menjadi lvl 23
round 2 lvl 23 naik menjadi lvl 27
round 3 lvl 27 naik menjadi lvl 29
sisahnya bisa diteruskan PTJ lvl 25 atau instance swamp 5 menit

silahkan dicoba... gak berhasil DL...

Total Exp perolehan
level 10 sd lvl 30 :
Quest Karugarner Marathon 50 Pos total 705.000 exp

Tabel Exp untuk Quest dibawah level 30

Nama Tugas LVL  EXP  Rep  Total Exp  item requirement
Task Card 10-19               45.000 2             90.000  
Task Card 20-29               75.000 2          150.000  
PTJ 15               160.000 2          320.000 Medium HP x3, Medium Mana x3, Rough Cloth x 5
PTJ 25               320.000 2          640.000 sosis x5, rough hide x 8
Bantuan mendesak 21               35.000 5          175.000  
satu hari miner 20               25.000 5          125.000 rough cloth  x10, rough m twig x10, rough x10
kesulitan kecil d pastur 21               40.000 1             40.000  
fish bait 23               60.952 1             60.952  
sword of dolphin 23               41.905 5          209.525  
singkirkan yg jahat 25               53.810 1             53.810  
The Lost information sekuel 18               27.000 5          135.000 lost information ruky x15
bounty tugas 16               25.000 5          125.000  
the good old days 14               20.000 8          160.000  
The banishment 26               54.762 5          273.810  
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